JM! Pride 2019 - Legendary to EPIC
Image / Mr. Joe Montana
Dear Lover,
The JM! Pride Party went from legendary to EPIC this weekend. As always, it is a labor of love to produce this event. This year with the support of sponsors and donations we raised over $133,000for the GLBT Historical Society Museum and Archives. It is with great hope that this funding brings us closer to securing a permanent home where the GLBT Historical Society can display our fabulous history.” Thank you to everyone at the museum and archives for being so gracious to work with.
There are not enough thank-you’s I can say to everyone on my team. Your hard work and dedication before, during and after the event, went above and beyond my expectations! I am a dreamer and you made so many of them come true this year.
Thank you to everyone that purchased a ticket, it is you that turns it into the most magical day of the year - your looks, your love, and energy were beyond gorgeous on Sunday!
To all of our fabulous sponsors - both old and new - thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't tell you how much it means to me that you believe and trust in what I do. This event has relied on the generous donations of local businesses like you. You will always have all of my support.
To all of the artists and entertainers involved in this project - from the moment I walked through the doors everything blew me away. I was smiling from ear-to-ear with all the beautiful sounds, performances, and artwork. How lucky am I to have such an amazingly talented circle of friends.
A big huge thank you to the artist BiP. I looked up at your painting “No Ceiling” at 5th and Mission in SF last year and fell in love with your work. You have not only created a breathtaking piece of artwork, but you have also shown your love with the community by donating the piece to the GBLT Historical Society.
Thank you to Mr. David - for making my dream gown inspired by Maison Valentino come true. My friend Joe Montana photographed a small selection of my jewelry and we had the image printed on 45 yards of silk. Simply fabulous!
I already can't wait for next year. And trust me - I'm already thinking about it.
Loads of Love,
“We’ve set this seemingly impossible goal of establishing a full-scale Museum of LGBTQ History and Culture in San Francisco - the first of its kind in North America,” said Terry Beswick, executive director of the GLBT Historical Society. “Some days we get pretty discouraged as the odds can seem stacked against us. So when Juanita MORE! called and said, ‘I believe in your vision for a new museum,’ and then rallied her amazing team to our cause, it was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds. We’re so deeply grateful to Juanita MORE!, her crew, and all the generous sponsors they brought together. Today, our museum is closer to reality because of them.”
Our fabulous sponsors!
When DJ Bobby Viteritti played his remix of Magnifique Sunday afternoon I thought I was back on the dancefloor again at the Trocadero Transfer on acid & quaaludes!